

A total of 9574 commonly used Chinese characters are included!
This system can generate 田 character grids and 米 character grids onlineCompletely free。Let you learn the writing standards of Chinese characters, develop the correct writing habits of Chinese characters, and lay a solid foundation for future language learning and Chinese character writing.
Tick Print “background graphics” when printing! You can print out the form!If you are not familiar with the operation, please read the tutorial at the bottom of the page!

Chinese characters are converted into Pinyin(汉字转拼音)         

Please enter the Chinese character you want to generate(请输入想要生成的汉字):

Grid type: 田 character       米 character      
Grid color: Green       Black       Red
Text color: Green       Black       Red
Tracing background: Very deep        Deep       Deeper        Slightly shallow       Moderate       Very shallow       
The remaining strokes are filled smoothly: Yes       No
Custom titles:
Note:Please read the following carefully

1、In order to ensure the printing effect, it is recommended to use Microsoft Edge browser and Google Chrome, the font is italics, and the printing settings check the print "background graphics";
2、If you want to generate a document, you can use a PDF printer and print it as a PDF file.